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 To The Rescue 1-4/7 Janto,Ianto/Dr (kind of) TW/Dr Who Adult

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To The Rescue 1-4/7  Janto,Ianto/Dr (kind of)  TW/Dr Who Adult Empty
PostSubject: To The Rescue 1-4/7 Janto,Ianto/Dr (kind of) TW/Dr Who Adult   To The Rescue 1-4/7  Janto,Ianto/Dr (kind of)  TW/Dr Who Adult Icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug - 18:28

Title: To The Rescue

Author: Wereleopard

Rating: will be nc-17

Pairing: Jack/Ianto

Spoilers: KKBB

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood.

Chapter One

Jack couldn’t believe it; they had managed to get rid of John and now this. What is with people from other time’s arriving here?

“Hey Jackie Boy.” The dirty looking man grinned.

“Demtrix what are you doing in this time period, I thought I put you out of business.” Jack answered coolly.

“I forgive you for that, I didn’t know that she was yours Jack I would never have touched her.” Demtrix winked. “I managed to get hold of another time transdental converter. Pure humans of this time period are very popular take one or two back with me I will be back in business.”

Gwen moved forward to stand by Jack but she tripped fell into Ianto, who suddenly in the arms of Demtrix.

“Demtrix.” Jack warned the other man.

“Thanks for this.” His hand brushed against Ianto’s cheek. “He will do nicely.” A click of a button could be heard and slowly the two men began to disappear, a collar was put around the Welshman’s neck.

Ianto opened his mouth but they couldn’t hear him but it was obvious what the word was. Jack.

Gwen’s face was white with fear.

“Ianto, it’s my fault.” Gwen whispered.

Jack looked at her. “Gwen concentrate we have to get him back.”

“How are we going to do that?” Owen asked standing there staring at the place his friend once was.

Jack looked down at his wrist strap. If only the Doctor hadn’t. The Doctor. He pulled out his phone, clicked speed dial and place it next to his ear.

“Martha, it’s Jack. Can you contact the Doctor? A time traveller, a slave trader has taken a.” Jack paused for a moment, “friend. Tell him to get here as soon as possible and park where he did the last time we were together.

“Jack, you just said slave trader?” Tosh asked as soon as he put the phone away.

“Yes I did.” Jack turned hiding the worry in his face. He felt protective of all of his team but this was Ianto. He remembered how happy he felt when Ianto said yes to their date. Jack was going to find him and he then he would take the young man out on a night he would never forget.

Chapter Two

Demtrix pushed gently the tied and gagged Ianto through the corridors of a ship, a very large ship.

After which seemed like an eternity the finally arrived which could have been a large banquet hall but instead it had a market, an old fashioned smelly market where livestock, aliens and humans were being sold exactly the same way.

“Demtrix thought you weren’t going to get to the big sale. You never seem to have the right stock.” Cassius paused for a moment and took a look at what the other man had, the smile left his face. “He is not overly muscular.”

“Don’t worry, he will sell. Wait till they hear him talk!” Demtrix smirked as he turned away and pushed Ianto towards the stall that sold humans. He was lucky that he heard the woman mention this man’s name. Ianto. He couldn’t have come up with anything better himself.

“All slaves to be sold must be put at the correct stall; the clock has now been started.” A voice boomed out around them.

Ianto flinched away from another creature that had groped him, trying to get a feel before the auction started. Demtrix gave his information and then pushed him in line.

“Next we have a Welshman from the year 2008, goes by the name of Ianto. Start off as a great server of food and drink but could be trained to do so much more.” The auctioneer called out loudly.

The gag was pulled off. “I’m sorry there must have been some mistake.” Two guards walked towards him. “Gentlemen let’s calm down there is nothing to get excited about.”

The calls stopped Ianto before he could say anymore as the bids went higher and higher, then he was finally sold. A complete stranger owned him and in this place could try and make him do anything.

“This can’t be happening.” Ianto muttered to himself as he was dragged off.


Jack walked the length of his office over and over again. “What the hell is taking him so long?”

“Jack, everything will be fine.” Gwen muttered as she walked into his office and flinched as Jack turned and glared at her.

“Ianto has been sold into slavery, how is that going to be fine.” Jack snapped at her, he wanted Ianto back, he wanted that date. He wanted it all.

Tosh sat and stared at her computer there was nothing she could do her and Ianto’s friendship had become stronger and she didn’t want to lose him now.

Owen watched Tosh, he saw the tear fall down her face, without thinking he walked over and wrapped his arms around her.

“We’ll do everything we can to get Ianto back. We need him to make the coffee.” Tosh looked up at him and smiled, reaching up he brushed a tear from her face.


Ianto brushed down his suit as he made himself ready for his first day at work, hoping that he could survive what was to come.

Chapter 3

Ianto straightened his tie, at least they had let him remain wearing the suit. It was a lot more than the others wore.

“A bloody waiter.” He muttered as he walked to the table with something that was supposed to be a beer. Ianto eyed it warily, the colour was all wrong, the consistency and he didn’t even want to know what the smell was.

He laid the drink down but before he could go anyway, the man he had just served suddenly stood up wrapping his arms tightly around the Welshman he kissed him. Ianto stood frozen to the spot not trying to move away and definitely not giving any indication that he was enjoying it. It didn’t last long but once the man pulled away he stared at Ianto smiling, waiting for some kind of reaction.

“I hope you enjoy your drink sir.” Ianto said politely, turning away and heading off to the next table.

The man stood there mouth wide open as he friends laughed and joked about losing his touch. Anger flashed in his eyes, as he glared at Ianto.

One of his friends could see where this was going and they didn’t want to be kicked out of somewhere else.

“Timeck, I bet that you can’t make him moan with just a kiss, nothing else.”

Timeck turned and looked at his friend closely. “It’s a deal.”

Chamari stood just behind them and watched their gazes follow Ianto around the room. The young man was definitely one of his best purchases and with this he could make some extra money, if he played it right.

“Gentlemen you are not the first ones, to want to do that to Ianto. So for the pleasure of just kissing him, you will be charged.” He saw their mouths open to complain but he raised a hand to stop them. “But, the first person to make him moan will have the pleasure of being his first, to break him in but only for an hour and not all night.”

The men smiled and nodded, they watched as Ianto bent over to pick something of the floor for another waitress, the way his trousers tightened across his backside. There breathing became heavier and the thoughts of what they could do to him. Eyes that were darkened with desire followed his every little move, stalking him.

But Timeck was not the only one watching Ianto, in a dark corner blue eyes sparkled like sapphires as he watched the Welshman. He had noticed the new one as soon as he walked in, and then when he spoke he knew that he wanted him. He wanted to hear Ianto scream his name in ecstasy.

Ianto walked over the young man. “Hello sir, what would you like to drink?”

“Can I just say that you look good in that suit?”

“Careful, that’s harassment sir.” Ianto replied automatically, before slamming his mouth closed quickly.

The man leant forward and stared at him, there was longing in Ianto’s eyes and he knew it was not meant for him.

Ianto’s chest hurt, those blue eyes that watched him seemed so much like Jack’s, just like the teasing tone was. But he knew it was wishful thinking on his part. Jack was too far away and every second, of every single day he missed his boss, his lover.

“A beer.”

“Very well sir,” Ianto walked away forcing himself to bottle up all his emotions they wouldn’t do him any good at the moment.

“Gray, you paid for me. Why are you watching him?” Miranda whined.

“I’m sorry honey, what do you know about him?” Gray asked.

“Ianto, not much he keeps very much to himself. He’s always polite and doesn’t want to be here.” She leant forward and kissed him, her eyes closed as Gray teased her mouth open. But he wasn’t looking at, he was watching Ianto, thinking about him and what it would be like to kiss him, hold him, make love to him and listen to the sexy voice until it became hoarse with screaming.

Ianto would be his.


Jack paced anxiously. “Where the hell are you doctor? Damn you hurry the hell up.” He picked up a mug and threw it at the wall.

Gwen, Owen and Tosh looked up; they had never seen Jack like this. Something more had obviously happened between him and Ianto and they had no idea what it was, good or bad. But if they didn’t find something soon Jack was going to explode.

The ringing of a phone made them all jump as it echoed around the hub.

“Yeah, ok. I’m on my way.” Jack grabbed his coat and headed towards the door.

“You mean we are on our way.” Gwen said as she and the others got to his side.

“Look I.” Jack started to speak.

“Look Jack when you buggered off, you didn’t care about Ianto then. We became a family and if anyone is going to help him it’s us. You have to earn our trust and Ianto’s back.” Owen glared at him.

“I know, why do you think I need to find him, I have to, I…..” Jack paused for just a moment. “Now is not the time to discuss this and I need to talk to Ianto first. Let’s just get him home safe and sound ok.”

They all nodded in agreement, making there way to ground level they headed out onto the plaza and Jack smiled as he saw one blue police box sitting there.

Chapter Four

Jack ran out of the hub followed closely by the others. That was when they saw it.

The blue police box.

Standing out in front stood and man and woman, smiling as Jack ran to them.

“Doctor, for a man with a time machine, your actual time keeping is atrocious.” Before the young looking man could say anything Jack pulled him into a tight hug. He then did the same to the woman. “Martha.”

Martha turned to the Doctor worry covered her beautiful face. Slowly Jack pulled away, Martha reached out and touched his face.

“Jack, what’s going on?” She asked, her voice soft and loving.

“Ianto has been taken.” He said simply.

The Doctor and Martha looked at each other again.


“Yes Ianto. Ianto Jones. Gorgeous Welsh accent, arranges everything for us. Looks good in a suit. A beautiful man inside and out, that Ianto Jones.” Jack burst out.

A sudden realisation hit Martha. “Oh my god you’re in love with him.”

The Doctor laughed automatically. The Torchwood crew glared at him.

“You. You are in love with someone?”

Jack stared at him coolly. “Yes I am and I would like the chance to tell and take him out on a date I promised. So if you could stop laughing there is an innocent man’s life at stake.”

“Jack I…”

“Stop right there Doctor, if it was Martha or Rose you would do anything in your power to help them. You don’t have to help me but that won’t stop be doing what I have to save him and I will do everything I can. I have all of Torchwood 3 at my disposal.”

Gwen moved forward. “He also has us at his disposal as well.”

Tosh and Owen followed. “We will do anything to get Ianto back and I do mean anything. We have on the odd occasion done some really stupid things and this will be another one to add to our list.”

The Doctor shook his head looking at this strange family. He knew Jack and believed every word he said. The others he had no idea about, his eyes narrowed as they landed on Tosh.

“Doctor?” Jack asked impatiently.

“Do you have a suggestion on how we find him?”

Jack grinned and tapped his wriststrap. “The time travel device has its own signature. I recorded with this. Can she follow it?” Jack nodded towards the Tardis.

The Doctor looked at Jack indignantly. “Of course she can.” He sniffed.


Ianto walked down the corridor back to his quarters. He was so tired and that didn’t include being black and blue from the pinching and groping. He was trying to ignore the whole kissing thing, which he was getting sick of really quickly, if only Jack where here. If only any of his friends were here.

“Where are you?” He whispered to himself.

Strong hands suddenly gripped him pushing him into an alcove. As those hands started to rip at his clothes Ianto fought as hard as he could, but nothing he could do stop the attack.

“You embarrassed me in front of my friends. You should have moaned when I kissed you. No matter who gets you to make a noise, no matter who wins I am still going to be your first.”

Ianto closed his eyes and willed the tears back, he was not going to let this man see him break down.

“Let me go.” Ianto said his voice tight with fear.

“Scream for me in that sexy accent.” The man whispered into Ianto’s ear, bitting slightly at his lobe.

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To The Rescue 1-4/7 Janto,Ianto/Dr (kind of) TW/Dr Who Adult
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